Tag: cirpit review

Questo Volume presenta gli Atti del Colloquium “Raimon Panikkar and the East” organizzato dal Cirpit a Firenze presso la Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia, il 16 Giugno 2018, in occasione del centenario Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010), insieme ad alcuni contributi relativi a due precedenti Convegni Cirpit tenutisi ad Ascona in collaborazione con ...
In memory of Scott Eastham From the Notable Books Section of the Theilhard Perspective Review (April 2017). May 1, 1981 was a momentous day for Pierre Teilhard de Chardin scholars when several hundred of them gathered at Georgetown University to celebrate the centennial of Pierre’s birth. The event began with a tape ...
Cirpit Review online 2016
INTRODUCTION Miriam Lancewood Wings of Flight We begin this book with a poem written by Miriam who met Scott for the first time in July 2013.  She and her husband, Peter Raine, popped in for a visit one afternoon when Scott was not very well, and yet the spiritual energy of that encounter ...
Raimon Panikkar Symposium - San Diego, November 2014 - Proceedings- Publication in print and e-book, affordable online Under the auspices of The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP). In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Religion (AAR) - Edited by Joseph Prabhu, Young-Chan Ro The AAR meeting ...
December 2015 This is a long over-due up-date for our LiT-uPP friends and supporters. First I want to tell you about the project’s growth at Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla (CCWF). And then I want to share the news of a possible grant award to let us expand the program ...
Scheda testo In this book the writer describes vividly his long and multi-dimensional way from the crucifix of the Roman Catholic Church to Paramahansa Yogananda to arrive at a synthesis which he has named Experiential Pluralism. Gabriele Goria also tells us how naturally his multi-religious background and all his other interests ...
L’écosophie, nouveau paradigme écologique. Introduction La crise écologique est, sans doute, une question de vie et de mort, mais surtout de Vie. Le modèle de société, le "Système" comme beaucoup l’appellent, dans lequel nous vivons, est porteur de discrimination, de douleur, d’angoisse, d’incertitude, de pauvreté, pour une grande partie des ...
Introduzione Fra cielo e terra, librandosi nell’aria dall’alto egli mira la forma di ogni cosa. Si è fatto, l’asceta silenzioso, amico e collaboratore di tutti gli Dei. Cavalcando il vento, compagno del suo soffio, dagli Dei sospinto. È di casa in entrambi i Mari, ...