Cirpit Review Monographs n.2/2015


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In this book the writer describes vividly his long and multi-dimensional way from the crucifix of the Roman Catholic Church to Paramahansa Yogananda to arrive at a synthesis which he has named Experiential Pluralism. Gabriele Goria also tells us how naturally his multi-religious background and all his other interests form the basis for his creative work. In his two long-term projects Moving the Silence and Hermits in Progress, Gabriele Goria walks the talk: he is fearlessly testing his way of thinking in practice in very demanding surroundings. During these processes the complexity of different philosophical theories is embodied in movement and silence. It is interesting to follow a narrative, in which all words become useless, and making and teaching art and a personal spiritual search flow into a single process.

Scheda Autore

Gabriele Goria Attore e pedagogo teatrale specializzato in discipline psico-fisiche orientali. Ha praticato la meditazione e le arti marziali orientali e insegnato Kung Fu. Dopo la laurea all’Accademia Teatrale Italiana Silvio D’Amico (2001), ha lavorato come attore e regista in due rinomate compagnie torinesi (Compagnia Anna Bolens e Torino Spettacoli) e come insegnante di recitazione, discorsi e combattimenti teatrali in contesti diversi quali scuole primarie, università ed entità aziendali. Trasferitosi in Finlandia nel 2008.ha condotto un Master presso la Theatre Academy di Helsinki (TeaK, 2011-2013) ed una ricerca sul silenzio, come spazio di dialogo tra arte e spiritualità. Dirige workshop e seminari di recitazione, movimento espressivo, meditazione e T’ai Chi in Finlandia e in Italia.

Monographs n.2/2015 pdf